Saturday, July 21, 2012


So, I am Up North on vacation and have walked/jogged two times, neither have been long distances but I am getting out there and doing something! 
I have noticed 2 things:
1.  I am WAY out of shape
2.  I have WAY TOO many jiggly parts!!!

It has motivated me though to keep it up the next week while I am here and continue when I get home.  Tina, you don't know how many times I think of you as I am struggling, thank you!!  I have been going with my sister, the dog and my nieces and it is adorable what a little motivator my niece is trying to be.  So, baby steps right now and that has to be ok! 

Would love to get together for a walk/jog when I get back.  What works for you guys??  Monday and Tuesday are not great for me.


1 comment:

  1. Yay Marcy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Rock!!! You just made the first step by starting. It only gets easier from here, I promise! Let me know some nights that work for you and we can meet at the Kenowa track when you get back. Woo Hoo!!
